What data do we collect?

When you create an account, you enter your name, email address, and password. We collect your name and your email address. Your name is visible when you write a comment, and your email address is necessary to send a password reset link if you forget your password. When registering an account, a unique ID will be created for you and it will be linked to your account. If you rate a dog-friendly place, your review will be associated with your unique ID. We can also see which places you have as favorites. If you make a recommendation, it will also be linked to your account.

How long is the data stored?

Account Information
Your account information (name, email, ID, favorites) is stored as long as you choose not to delete your account. You can delete your account at any time, and the data will be removed immediately. This action cannot be undone. Comments and reviews are not automatically deleted when you choose to remove your account.

Comments and Reviews
Your comments and reviews remain stored as long as you choose not to remove them. If you want to delete them, you can do so manually in the app, or you can email us at info@ostlingit.se, and we will assist you with it.

Recommendations are associated with you to facilitate communication during the review process. When a recommendation is approved and published, there is a reference to you that is not visible to other users. When you delete your account (regardless of whether the recommendation is pending, denied, or approved), the reference to you will be lost.

How do I delete my account?

1. Log in to the app
2. Tap 'Settings'
3. Tap 'Delete account'